Note: If you have a festival pass you still need to get your tickets online or at Vega to reserve a seat for the screenings. More info about the festival pass and tickets here!
FILM | Menus Plaisirs - Les Troisgros
FILM + TALK | A Cup of Covid + Cinematic Tea An Hour of Reflection & Dialogue
MIRAGE MINI LIVE NARRATION: Microcosmos with Live Narration by Hazel Barstow
ART | KUNZT discussion with painter Jonas Daatland
FILM + TALK | The Recovery Channel
PERFORMANCE | Poetry performance by Guri Ama Gaia and Andreu Jacob
FILM | TIDF & Taiwan Docs: A Glimpse of Asian Documentaries II
FILM + TALK | Between Revolutions, A Cinema Teheran Collaboration
FILM + TALK | Smoke Sauna Sisterhood and talk with Cinematographer Ants Tammik